Helping purpose-craving professionals quit corporate and build successful careers rooted in nature, climate and community.

A headshot of Alisa Murphy, a coach for regenerative work and career who is in the woods wearing a pink dress.

Regenerative Career and
Business Mentor

with Alisa Murphy

Ready to make the leap out of your corporate job and into purposeful, regenerative work?


An illustration of natural and organic forms in various colors: orange, gold and green.

The chances are that you’ve been thinking and dreaming about this change for a while, but you’re still stuck in your corporate job.

You worry that you don’t have the right qualifications, you don’t know if you’ll ever make enough money and it all feels a bit scary.

You’re not alone! I’m here to help you turn those regenerative dreams into a viable reality.

Regenerative Work requires a new mindset.

This transition is a lot more complicated than going on a job board and sending off your CV to anything with the word “regenerative” in the title.

It means taking risks, going against the grain, overcoming challenges, and writing your own script.

It will take entrepreneurial muscle, powerful vision, and a willingness to change.

With the right tools and support, you can do this!

Let’s take things one step at a time as I show you how to quit corporate, find your vision and successfully transition into regenerative work.

Start with my free guide for 5 powerful actions you can take TODAY to progress your regenerative career, even if you’re not quite ready to quit.

Client Experiences

A headshot of Kevin Howard who is wearing a gray suit sitting in front of a wooden background

“I’m blown away…

I feel more empowered than ever to manifest a more impactful contribution to the emergence of a new paradigm that realigns humanity with the natural flow that sustains us.

 Alisa is an Empath who listens so deeply that I felt completely safe to share and be vulnerable.

 I literally feel I have experienced a material shift in the glidepath of my personal journey.”


Regenerative Worklife Podcast


podcast will show you how to find your vision, develop your resilience, identify your regenerative niche and build a viable action plan.

alisa-murphy-sitting in a meadow with violet flowers wearing a pink dress and kneeling down.

The first step is to
Define Your Vision.